
Longbridge Sports-Recreation Complex May Cost $165 Million

Hello Yupette,

I want to give you a heads up on Longbridge Park. What you heard at Saturday's County Board meeting was finally an admission that the County Board promised the soccer interests an indoor soccer arena, something that was denied by county staff until after the elections.

So, about $35 million has been spent on what exists at Longbridge Park now, another $50 million will be spent on the aquatics center. The indoor soccer arena, field house, and mixed-use recreation facility (which will include every imaginable sports and recreation activity) will cost another $80 million. So all that adds up to $165 million.

The insiders all knew about this deal months ago, but it was kept quiet because Audrey Clement raised fiscal responsibility as a campaign issue when she ran for County Board.

Longbridge Park will be discussed at the continued County Board meeting Tuesday night (agenda item 21) so maybe we'll hear more about how massive, and expensive, the arena will be. Stay tuned.
