
Pike Form Based Urbanization Gathers Momentum

Hi Yupette,

Boss Zimmerman's Form Based Charade for the Pike is gathering momentum. Scheduled for Saturday, March 26th is the Foxcroft Heights gentrification charade, facilitated by Zimmerman's national gentrification specialist, Dover, Kohl, and Associates. Charade will be held at the Sheraton National Hotel, 900 South Orme Street between 1 and 4. (Who is paying for this)?

On Monday, March 28th, a preliminary form based charade will be held at 2100 Clarendon Blvd, between 9 PM and 10 PM regarding the dumb growth redevelopment of the Rosenthal auto dealership site, Columbia Pike and Glebe Road. The proposed development calls for the construction of 350 parking spaces on-site. Duh.

As usual, these charades are produced by county staff who don't live in the County to benefit the County Board's pet REITs and developers. It's all about money, not about us.
