
VDOT Presented 3 Major Options for I-66 to Transportation Commission

Hello Yupette,

On January 26th VDOT presented three major 'preliminary mobility options' for I-66 to to Arlington Transportation Commission. They are:

A. HOV Restrictions

I-66 lanes in both directions are designated Bus/HOV during peak periods. No new lanes added. In the peak direction, all lanes are Bus/HOV3+ only during peak periods (no change from CLRP). In the reverse peak direction, all lanes are Bus/HOV 2+ only during peak periods. In off-peak periods all lanes are open to all traffic.

B. I-66 Bus/HOV/HOT Lane System

Converts I-66 into an electronically tolled Bus/HOV/high occupancy toll (HOT) roadway.

Testing two options: (1) no new lanes (2) one new lane in each direction. Single occupancy vehicle (SOV) and HOV 2 vehicles tolled. Bus/HOV 3+ vehicles - no tolls. Tolls applies to all lanes in both directions, 24/7.

C. I-66 Capacity Enhancement

Two options that add a lane in both directions:

Option 1:

Peak hours, peak direction - New & Existing lanes Bus/HOV 3+
Peak hours, reverse peak direction - New lane Bus/HOV2+; Existing lanes general purpose.

Option 2:
Peak hours, peak direction - New & Existing lanes Bus/HOV 3+
Peak hours, reverse peak direction - New & Existing lanes general purpose

No restrictions in the off-peak period in both options.

[I-66 Arterials]
E. Arterial Capacity Enhancement

Enhance U.S. 50

Apply access management principles

Implement bus-only lane in each direction and improve bus service in the corridor (e.g., Priority Bus with 10-minute headway)

Bus lane may be introduced by utilizing the shoulders on U.S. 50.

Although coded as Priority Bus, this option will also reveal if demand warrants a higher-capacity mode such as light rail.

These are the major options, see VDOT's Web site for the other mobility options.

Thanks for your blog.