
Arlington Rental Community Residents Demand a No Re-Segregation Zone

Dear Mr. Zimmerman:

We are residents of market-rate affordable housing along Columbia Pike, Lee Highway, Route 7, Route 50, and elsewhere in Arlington County.

We demand that you cease and desist implementing "Resegregation through Gentrification" in our communities, aided and abetted by your Racist and Elitist "Community Leaders" appointed to your "Plenary Committee", Dover, Kohl and Partners, which specializes in "Resegregation through Gentrification" across America and your own "County Staff" which rubber stamps everything you do and want to do to make Arlington County a place where only wealthy Caucasians from Northern and Western Europe can live. It is obvious you want to take Arlington County back to the America of 1961. Exceptions are, of course, made for a few Latinos and Latinos like Walter "Nada" Tejada who were the foreign exchange students in 1961 who "went along with the program" in the high school environment like the one you've created in Arlington today, along with a few "trusted Negroes."

We, therefore, order you to CEASE AND DESIST your, the County Board's, County Staff's, Arlington Police Department's, and any and all other Racist and Elitist behavior by any person and organization directed against our enjoying tranquility in our market rate rental homes as is our RIGHT under the Code of Virginia, 18.2 418 and 419.

If do you not CEASE and DESIST your behavior we have no recourse but to call for a National Boycott of all Economic Activity in Arlington County, including conferences, meetings, conventions, and similar events.

Arlington Market-Rate Affordable Housing Coalition